On the focus on sanitation and terms from the fact that people have a right to have basic facilities such as safe drinking water, sanitation, clean surroundings and information on hygiene. Human excreta is the cause of enteric disease such as cholera, dysenty, typhoid, viral infections, hepatitis, hook worm etc. The safe disposal of human excreta should be the primary objectives of improving situations. The Construction of toilet has been neglected mainly on the account of lack of priority by everyone resulting in matter of great concern for maintain health and good quality of life.
1. Up gradation rural and urban health by sanitation.
2. To make India Open Deifications Free.
3. To Offer Sustainable technology for improving environment conditions.
4. To create the awareness related to sanitation, hygiene, waste management and environment.
- Construction of individual House Hold Toilets in village and towns.
- Construction of school sanitation complex.
- Construction of community toilet.
- Under taking CSR program of various corporate sector and Govt. Project.
CSR Activity
Milan Foundation has come forward to undertaking innovative CSR activities in collaboration and partnership with likeminded industries. This will enhance the credibility and respect for human rights and environment. The Indian corporate sector has seen the current decade as a period of high growth and the emergency of a strong india having a significant global footprint. We have seen the business sector generating wealth and value for the shareholders in the last sixty years, but simultaneously we also have the problem of the sanitation facilities, waste management, unhygienic conditions, poverty, unemployment, illiteracy, malnutrition etc. facing the nation.
The corporate growth is sometimes seen as widening the gap between the different sections of india through its income-skewing capability. This gap needs to be bridged. We are Delivering the service for sanitation to villages in the rural areas for the sanitation.