Narendra Modi's Committed: Clean up the country
The Prime Minister Mr Narendra Modi in his maiden Independence Day Speech committed to a “Swachh Bharat” by 2019 as fitting tribute to 150th anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. He emphasized on providing of toilets for all schools by Aug 2015 and for making India “Open Defection Free” by 2019.
The Chief Minister Shree Vijaybhai Rupani – One important aspect of swachhtaa Abhiyaan is, making the state 100% open-defecation free. Open-defecation leads to unhygienic and unhealthy conditions, exposing the people, specially the poor, to public health risks. Government of Gujarat is dedicated to the cause of providing in-house toilet facilities to every household across the state.
On the focus on sanitation and terms from the fact that people have a right to have basic facilities such as safe drinking water, sanitation, clean surroundings and information on hygiene. Human excreta is the cause of enteric disease such as cholera, dysenty, typhoid, viral infections, hepatitis, hook worm etc. The safe disposal of human excreta should be the primary objectives of improving situations. The Construction of toilet has been neglected mainly on the account of lack of priority by everyone resulting in matter of great concern for maintain health and good quality of life.